Dental Problems
This can be stressful for both Guinea Pig and owner.
Regular observation of your Guinea Pigs eating habits will help pick up possible problems !!!

Samson (left)when he arrived very sick from malnutrition caused by terrible teeth,unfortunatly we lost Zak (right) he was just too weak.
Samson received dental treatment and lived for another 12 months and died aged 5 from old age.

Signs to look for:
Unexplained weight loss - Stressed appearance due to hunger
Difficulty in eating,chewing, swallowing food.
Coughing and choking on a regular basis
Food visible in the mouth after a meal
Change in eating habits,avoiding hard foods such as carrots.
Little piles of uneaten finely nibbled veg is an indication ! The tongue may be trapped by overgrown molars.
Wet fur around the mouth,dribbling.
Do not delay seek a dental opinion as soon as possible !!!
Recommended Dental Vets - Staffordshire
Our vets Clive and Vicky are excellent with dental issues -The Willow Vet Clinic,Tunstall.
Hannah Bould - Guinea Pig vet -Charter vets,Newcastle under Lyme - see webs link page
Other areas
Highly recommended is the veterinary practice run by Simon & Kim Maddock based in Northhampton and for expert advice we recommend Debbie Postles at The Excellent Adventure Guinea Pig Sanctuary in Northhampton,both work in conjunction with one another.We have had Guinea Pigs from our rescue there as temporary patients.
This practice has a nationwide following amongst Guinea Pig owners and they and travel for Simons expert care.He specialises in Guinea Pig and Rabbit dental problems and also offers an excellent Guinea Pig veterinary service.
Simon offers awake dental checks as well as a full range of diagnostic services.
01604 478888 - The Cat & Rabbit clinic
Debbie for dental advice on 01604 877220 / 07725 489595
Debbie also runs a pet care and boarding service.