A very Lucky Guinea Pig !!
Luckys story
Lucky is one of our best success stories,so many Guinea Pigs have been rehabilitated and found forever homes,but Lucky remains very dear to us.
Lucky arrived September 2013 in an emaciated condition,he had no hair and was covered with fungal infection.His little eyes were like slits so sore and crusty.This photo is of lucky on his arrival. I really thought we would lose him overnight, it was very upsetting for all involved.
Lucky had been advertised on a FREE AD site, his owners had no idea he was so unwell !!!!!

Lucky slowly began to recover,gaining weight and hair regrowth.He struggled with anti-fungal baths every 4 days but gradually accepted his care regime as he began to feel better. We had an unwanted baby boar arrive in October who we named Clive after our vet, we paired him with Lucky.This photo is when they met.

Lucky was well enough to be our mascot at our November 16th 2013 Animal Rescue Fair organised by The Potteries Guinea Pig Rescue team at Kidsgrove Town Hall. Here he is enjoying the nativity scene !!
This event brought lots of animal rescues together to raise awareness of the plight of neglected animals, 2016 will be our 4th year !!

Lucky passed over to RainBow Bridge in May 2017,his friend Clive now has a new friend.
Lucky had his forever home and lived his remaining days in love and peace
Rest in peace Lucky xxxxx
How can you help us to protect more vulnerable Guinea Pigs like Lucky ???
Make a small donation to our funds,this will help pay for supplies and contribute to our vet account.
All donations welcome however small it all helps here are a few ideas:
£4 = Bale of hay
£8 = Bale of shavings
£10 = Veg for a week
£13 = Lice treatment for 6 neglected Guinea Pigs
£20 = Bag of dried food
£ 40 = Donation to our neutering and vet fund.
You can either donate via paypal button (below) or contact us at [email protected]