Adventures of Howard -Raider of the last poop bag
This page has been left open in memory of my dear Howard who, i loved so much and brought us all closer to these wonderful creatures.
Helen xx
Howard RIP September 6th 2019

Hi all my name is Howard !! Howard Chadwick
I live with my mum Helen at The Potteries Guinea Pig Rescue, and this page is dedicated to me and my adventures !!
I was handed into the rescue as an unwanted single boar, that was hard i must admit even for me, my mum immediately saw my loveliness and decided she was my forever home.
I was neutered and i live with Heidi my sow companion.
I am very clever and am always after new things to try !!

During the day i run free in my run attached to my hutch, i love exploring and always greet people when they visit the rescue. Have you met me ??
I think i am famous, is this me on Mr Johnsons Guinea Pig food ??
You must admit we are very similar!!

My worst habit is poop bags, i just love them !! and the minute mums back is turned, i can be in the bag under 10 seconds !!

So i need regular baths, infact mum says she should have called me Stig of the dump.

Told you seconds !!!
As well as lots of exercise i eat healthy, a melon tray is my favourite

I love bath time !!
Its a good job, because poop bags equals..........messy Howard

Where will my next adventure take me ??
Visit our facebook page to see my fun videos !!
Just search The Potteries Guinea Pig Rescue
xxxx Howard